All of the art and photographs on this site were created and/or taken by either me or one of my friends and then released to me for use. So to those pieces I hold copyright. Please do not use my images in other applications without first attaining permission from me, as failing to do so constitutes copyright infringement, and is illegal. Chances are, if you contact me to ask for permission, I will probably give you permission (depending on what you want to do with my images) but please, please, please ask my permission first. Thank you.
The screen captures of Byakuya, however, are not copyrighted by me. They are from the original anime. I use them here for illustrative purposes only, not for any form of personal gain. I will remove them at the request of the copyright holder.
If you use my directions to create your own costume please do not claim that you were the sole designer when you win costume competitions. That is untruthful and deceitful. I know you want to win, but please give credit where credit is due (that would be to me, if you follow my processes).
Photos of the Sakura Festival are posted here. Many photos were taken of everybody at the festival by many photographers. Consent for use is implied. However, if you see an image of yourself on my site, and do not wish it to be there, please contact me and I will remove it.
I do not create costumes on comission, so do not bother asking. Nor will I sell any part of my costume. That is my final word. I'm sorry, but you cannot convince me otherwise. Please don't waste my time by contacting me to ask.
Contacting me:
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns about this site or the information or images on it. However, I do ask this favor: grace me with your presence, not your nonsense. Hate mail is not appreciated and will not be answered. I urge those who might send hate mail to invest their time and energy into something more productive. All hate mail will be ignored.
If you still want to contact me, you may do so at this email address: