
Sandals that looked sort of rustic and fit well
Natural-fiber rope
Hot Glue
Burnt Umber acrylic paint
Plastic placemat
I wasn’t up for constructing shinigami sandals from scratch. My friend and I bought sandals that looked vaguely close to the real thing and I modified them. Finding suitable material to fake the tatami-like look of the real sandals was a challenge. I thought natural-fiber rope would be our best bet, but it was hard to find it at the right diameter: everything was too thin or two bulky. Finally I found some suitable rope at Soko Hardware in San Francisco’s Japantown.
Using hot glue, I cut the rope into pieces to hot-glue onto the sandals. However, the shinigami sandals wrap up behind the heel. I used some pieces of plastic placemat to fake that, painted the upper side dark brown to match the rope and sandals, and glued rope onto the outer side to fake the sort of tatami-look.
The sandals held together pretty well, and looked great with the rest of the costume.

before work began

in progressin progress