The haori (“captain’s jacket/coat”) was the first thing I made. I had no pattern, only screen-caps of the “real thing” to go by. I was able to visualize how it could be sewn together, got some white fabric, and just went at it.
It went together fairly well in about two days. I did have one hiccough along the way when my mom’s sewing machine started acting up, and I ended up sewing about half of the haori by hand (which was tedious). Additionally, all the black bits on the back I quilted on by hand, but if I were to make another I would paint them on instead since I think it’s nearly impossible to hem on a perfect circle of fabric.
I also forgot something kinda big—the split up the back of the haori. I didn’t realize how important that split is until I wore the haori with my sword. The sword sticking out behind me made the haori stick out, too, but I think if the split had been there it could have relieved the pressure a little. I tried to add the split after the fact, but the way I’d spaced the diamonds and dots around the hem of the haori prevented me from putting it in.
Materials I used:
3 yards white fabric
1 yard black fabric
My mom’s sewing machine
White and black thread
Needles, pins
My haori is actually my favorite part of my costume, but I did feel a little sacrilegious when I put it on the first time. Like, no one but a real captain should wear a captain’s haori. I think Bleach has had a fairly big impact in my life…